Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Three Fun Facts about the United States Constitution

For more than 20 years, Ryan Steensma has served in various safety-related positions, including as a deputy sheriff and as a member of the United States Marine Corps Reserves. In addition to his career in public and national safety, Ryan Steensma holds a degree in political science and history, and he advocates for upholding the U.S. Constitution.
A rich history surrounds the drafting, signing, ratifying, and amending of the United States Constitution. Here are three interesting but lesser-known facts about the document:

1. The Constitutional Convention convened in March 1787, and in September of that year, 39 out of 55 delegates signed. However, the constitution received the nine necessary and remaining ratifying votes in 1788.

2. A year after the ratification of the constitution, James Madison penned a collection of ideas to propose as amendments. These updates, now known as the Bill of Rights, originally featured a list of 12 amendments, with the current First Amendment appearing third.

3. Since the implementation of the Bill of Rights, the United States has voted another 17 in to place, for a total of 27 amendments. One of the two unratified proposals from the 12 Bill of Rights resurfaced and, in 1992, it gained enough support to become the 27th Amendment.